NBC Nightly News: December 1, 1995
News anchors Carol Marin & Ron Majors
Featured: Master Painter / Craftsman Sy Bounds on NBC T.V. 10pm Nightly News. Sy lectured from his small school in Oak Park in 1995....Click purple text below and follow Sy's Creative Project History, Designed For Local Urban Youth http://sysresources.tripod.com/vocationalskillstrainingseminarsontape/id5.html
Chicago Sun-Times October 14, 1996
Editor / Columnist Michele Stevens Featured
Sy Bounds in commentary section. Million Man March
"As the first anniversary of the Million Man March nears, an African-American contractor offers hope in the form of teaching others how to earn a living.
Oak Park Wednesday Journal: Daybreak edition
February 4, 1998...Delight in an evening with Sy Bounds
host of 'Sy's Creative World'. For Fresh Information, good conversation and a little jazz along the way. On WRRG 88.9fm radio. Interviews prominent citizens interested in life in Oak Park. Among his guests are Dr.Gerald Clay and Lanny Lutz, creator's of Oak Park's Black / White Dialogue and former village trustee John Troelstrup.
This program is part of the Celebration of African-American Heritage, History and Culture sponsored by the Friends of the Oak Park Public Library.
ABC Nightly News Anchor Charles Thomas
Members from 'Famed bus #53 of The One
Million Man March...Featuring beloved Elder Clifton Buttonmam Howard...Ferdie Fitzpatrick....Sy Bounds...Respected Activist Skip Ousley....James Rowe & bus organizer Morgan Carter, The Conversation Starter!
1996 / Special feature...N'DIGO Magapaper
Staff Writer Kai El Zabar
Home Improvement Section / Sy Bounds
Interview / Commentary on ' The Camfert / Langford hour',
radio show - WMAQ am radio
Immediately following the one million man march
On-air interview with: Rev.Athnony Williams & Sy Bounds
Channel 32-Fox T.V October 1996 Special News
segment on Sy's Painter's Training Academy
Sy's Current Skill's Training Class>> http://communityrestoration.tripod.com/
Pioneer Press Newspapers: Full page special feature /
February 1998 Vocational Skills Training & Jazz
Talk Radio....Sy's Creative World
Cable TV Weekly program: Straight Talk Economic
Roundtable....Host is W.L.Lillard
Guests: Computer expert Tyrone Wilson & Sy Bounds
Discussing the impact of computers in the African-American Community. 1998
Co-host of Omnibus Roundtable T.V. Morgan Carter
The Conversation Starter & Co-Host Sy Bounds....Chicago
Cable Access Channel 19...1996 - 2002
Oft - Appearing commentary / lectures in The
Chicago Communicator Newspaper...Publisher
Ms.Wanda Armstrong 1996 - 2002
Host of radio WVON program called: The
Painters Workshop....Commentaries & Interviews
Host / Interviewer Sy Bounds...Groundbreaking format!
Pioneer Press Newspapers / Full page November
24, 1999 Subject: Vocational Skills Training & Sy's
Jazz Cafe / Interviews Co-host: With theological
consultant Doug Larson
Oak Park Wednesday Journal / Lifelines section
Sy's Jazz Cafe @ The Pasta Shoppe & Cafe
July 6, 2005 performing artist-in residence / host
Featuring Master Percussionist Dr.Carl Spight &
Singer Extroidinaire Mr.Mario Connie
Border's Books / Oak Park February 2002
to mid-summer. Host of 'Sy's Jazz Cafe Internationale
Live in ' Cafe Expresso '.
Sy's Jazz Cafe feature in TEMPO section of
The Chicago Tribune August 2005 Jazz @ The Pasta
Shoppe in Oak Park...Cafe Serves it's Jazzy Sound
Alfresco. Writer Jon Anderson / Photos by Milton O.Brown. "If Ernest Hemingway were alive today-and back in his hometown of Oak Park-he'd probably be hanging out in the courtyard near the downtown Pasta Shoppe and Cafe."
Oak Park Wednesday Journal / featured in Lifelines
Writer Diana Oleszczuk.....'Bounds and Spight share a passion for music and have been playing together for about five years'. According to diner Debbie Kennedy, the music makes her think of lounging in the Bahamas or Mexico. 'These guys are good,' she observes. July 6, 2005
The Chicago Defender /Writer Karen E.Pride....Tuesday October 24, 2005 Community organizers address digital divide at seminar.....Members of the Digital Development Corporation & Oversight Committee hosted their first townhall meeting to discuss the importance of digital technology in the African American community Saturday at the Sinai Community Insitute, 2653 W.Ogden Avenue. They are, Director Lowry Taylor, Derrick Harris, Ralph Hopkins and Tyrone Whiteside. Shirley Jones, Sy Bounds and Edwina Howard.
Oak Park Wednesday Journal / Highlighting the people who make society tick.....Radio host Joie Pierce & Sy Bounds...Hand out certificates of appreciation to Lydia McCullough, Wilda Walker, State Rep Karen Yarbrough @ Robinson's Ribs in Oak Park...2002
The Digital Development Corporation & Oversight Committee Proudly Presents....The 2005 Digital Divide Town Hall Meeting. " Bridging The Digital Divide ".@ Sinai Community Institute On Chicago's Westside October 22, 2005. Workshop:(Director Lowry Taylor).... Sy Bounds...Researcher & Web Development....Mr.Bounds will discuss techniques, strategies, methods and resources that will guide and explain how folks can better prepare themselves in the event of crisis and emergency or survival situations. In addition Mr.Bounds will include references on 10 years of dedicated internet research history...present and future focus, culminating towards a plan of action for the technologically underprivileged, rounded off into an introduction into blogs and audioblogging.
The 5th Avenue Journal Triton College / Wednesday April 5, 2000....Staff Writer Naomi Hamatani....Triton's one and only Sy Bounds Jazzes Up The Place. ' Sy's Community Cafe, ( radio program ) is run by Sy Bounds, a friendly 55-year-old guy. From breezy Bossa Nova to Wynton Marsalis to Be-Bop. Bounds plays series of smooth jazz tunes, lacing with his raspy voice in between the tunes. But this is not your ordinary smooth jazz stuff you hear on the major radio station, which you would hear mostly music and little talk that have no edge. Sy's Community Cafe is concerned about interaction with people who live around your way. From local event tip to interview with local personell, you hear some information and conversation that you can relate to in your daily life"
Sy's Live-Jazz / Talk Cafe @ Foster Brothers Coffee In River Forest...Composed Monday April 16, 2000....Cecelia C...... " Sweet voice, shimmering the cool air, surounded by vibrant characters that fascinate me. Oh how I wish life could always be like this. With my friends and my love. Smells like coffee. People I admire. Fluctuating Versatility. This is my sanctuary, my place to Grow. Elegant and always, ever so beautiful."
Domican University African-American History Celebration @ International Hall.......Sy's Jazz Cafe Internationale....Performing Arts Enselmble....A Brazilian Interlude...Elegant - Exciting - Romantic - Musical Texures....Joining Sy ..... Master Percussionist / Educator Dr.Carl Spight and Incredible Singer Mario Connie. February 2005
The Buzz Cafe in Oak Park / Sy's Jazz Cafe Internationale....Performing Arts Enselmble....A Brazilan Interlude....Elegant - Exciting - Romantic Musical Texures. Joining Sy.....Master Percussionist / Educator Dr.Carl Spight and Incredible Singer Mario Connie. January / February 2005.